My family lived in the house in the background around 1969 - 70. It is across the street from the First Christian Church in Carmi, IL, where we attended services. Actualy, I think the church was built about that time and we were going to the old building downtown. this picture was taken Jul 31, 2002. The color of the house hadn't changed since I wa a baby. I was about 3 when we lived here and this was the first house that Shari lived in. I can remember a little about it - there was a very deep water-way on the north side of the house. I can remember playing out in the yard (you could still levae a kid in the yard unattended in those days). I can recall taking a Fischer -Price Camera down into the creek and "taking pictures." Also remember watching "The Monkees," "Superman" and "Dick Tracy" on the television. Also remember my mother watching "Dark Shadows" - which fascinating me bacause of the vampire. I can remember some older girls next door which I liked to talk to, but can't remember who they were. Their family had a basketball hoop -which seemed very high to me and couldn;'t imagine being tall enough to reach it. I can also remember using a Spirograph here - remember those? That is about all that comes to mind now.
Mom just said that this is the house where David threw a rock at a cat and killed it she thinks!!! And they were not sure if he would grow up to be a murderer or not!! David is there anything we need to know????? S
I tho[ught the cat incident was on Tar Springs Drive, but then I don't remember doing it.
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