Does anyone know who lived in the house shown in the background? The house is no longer there and up until last year a trailor sat on that lot.
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David, Finally found your blog. The Address you gave didn't work(couldn't find it, so I did a Shelton name search in Google. Blue Point School history questions-- No, they did not farm up to the school. The school back yard was large my father said there was a ball diamond and field east & south of the tree that was standing in this picture. Also the yard went back to the fence of the barn, near the house. Dad said at least a couple of hundred feet. He remembers a pit near the tree where a old well had been. This was still in the school yard. In the fence line of the yard was two large oak trees. The back side of the yard was bordered by another large oak tree and hickory nut tree. The people that lived behind the old school when my father was small were Luther Howe several lived there over the years including when I was small, Marvin Gregory and his family. Last was Leslie Spitzer and his wife (a daughter of Luther Howe). The Trailer was Leslie Spitzer's daughter Ruby, who married Gordon Smith. They moved to Fairfield a few years back. There use to be a old log school right straight back of the Blue Point school a little east & South of house & barn. Road was their drive way dad thought that went back to the old log school. Your blog is very nice Thanks for inviting me.
Ruth Ann
Ruth Ann -
Thanks for the detailed description of the old schoolyard. I've not found any pictures yet of when the shcool was newer, but there muast be some lurking around somewhere.
Glad you foudn the blog and enjoy it - I appreciate everyone who participates. You should be able to "click" on the photos to enlarge them for better viewing. If you want to copy an of them to your own computer or print them, just right click and "save picture as" or "print picture".
Dad wished he had a newer picture of the school if you do find one. I would like a copy it to my computer for dad. Thanks I will copy and save some of the pictures Thanks again. How do I add pictures do I have to have a blogger usename & password and account? or own web blog pages? Ruth K
Hi Ruth-
Establish a user name and password. It is free and takes about two minutes. I will add your ID as a buddy on this site and you can post pictures. I am having a lot of fuin with this website and hope everyone will enjoy it and use it as well. It could be a great online meeting place for family members, allowing them to keep in touch outside of family reuions.
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