This is the hmoe of John and Margaret (Schluneggar) Block taken between 1905 - 1915. It was just east of the Blue Mound Road, near where Darwin and Weta Forth lived. John and Margaret are seated near the cetner of the porch in rockers. George is to his father's right and Willie is between his father and mother. Ben Block, is just behind his mother. There are three girls on the porch, most liekly the three block sisters, but I cannot yet tell you which is which. Ther other older couple may be Margaret's brother Alfred Schluneggar and hiswife, but I can't be sure of this just yet. Will post more about this picture at a later time, so keep checking.
John Blocked lived here until his wife's death in 1924. Shortly after that he moved in wioth his son George and family and remained there until his own death in 1926. They are buried in the Cisne Cemetery

Jan 12 - I blew up the section of the picture with people in it and perhaps made it easier to see by adjusting the lighting and focus. Also used a cooler lens. can anyone name the people? There are three children, I assume the three oldest gfrandkids - Ben's probably.
Hello David, I ne-ed this original picture to crop closer. I have been able to crop really small and get great pictures. I only have a paper copy in front of me of this picture. We had one but my Dad must have it now in his book at home --will have to see. I have a lot of his picture here copying them but not his books.
I believe the other couple is Oren Johns Parents Mr. & Mrs. Alanso Johns , Mr. & Mrs. Gertie Vernons , his dau. and son Oren & his wife, our Annie Block John's the children are problaby Gertie's or some of the Block Children. Dad thinks that both families lived in this home at the same time, one up and one down sharing the kitchen and etc. I also have another home with John Block home on the back with date 1926, a really nice looking one. Dad thought it was near George Blocks house, than also there was a Log House East of George's house too, that he thought John Block lived at one time. Dad not sure. I have pictures of the Johns Family and I am quite sure that it is them. Ruth Ann
I believe the girl at the left is Nellie Block Stine, than her hus. Harry Stine, William, George and Ben Block , Gertie's hus?? and Gertie or Annie, Oren John's, Alanso Johns and wife and Annie Block John's or Gertie Vernon. Children probably Johnny Stine b. 1903 Herbert Stine 1905 & Mary Block , Ben's dau. 1904. They were the oldest of the Block children ,if not some of Gertie's. So picture about 1907. Children look 3-4 and all under 5 yrs old. Ruth Ann
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