I stopped by a little cemetery the other day up near Clay city, IL. Grandma Shelton had told me once that she had an aunt buried there. I thought I would see if I could find the stone. I never did find the stone for Grandma's aunt, but I did run across the stone of my great-great-great-great grandfather, James Chaney. I had no idea he was buried there. 
The three pictrues to the left are the gravestones of four brothers: Lewis (1802 - 1884) James (1808 - 1856) and Thomas (1812 - 1870) and Henry Chaney (1818-1894). They are four of nine children born to William and Phoebe (Wilkinson) Chaney. William and Phoebe's first seven children were all born in Calvert County, MD. Around 1817, William relocated the family to Butler County, Ohio, where the last two, Henry and Phoebe were born. It was in Butler County Ohio that the chaney family became aquainted with the Bunnell family. Henry Chaney married Harriet Bunnell, sister to my g-g-g-grandfather Seneca Bunnell. Seneca married James Chaney's oldest daughter Amanda in Clinton County, IN in 1854. Some of the Bunnells and Chaney's relocated to Clinton County, while others went on to Clay County, IL. While Henry and Harriet Chaney had moved and were married in Clay County in 1840, Seneca and Amanda bunnell did not relocate unil about 1870. There is a cemetery up in Clinton County, IN (which is NW of Indianapolis about 50 mi.) called Bunnell Cemetery. I will be making a trip up there in the next few weeks to see what I can learn and will report back later,.

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